Our Streamers Help Kids Heal!

Thank you to our streamers who helped us raise money will ensure children get much-needed, much-deserved, evidence-based, trauma-focused therapy! They raised money that will help us train therapists and other professionals to increase children’s access to treatment designed to address and alleviate their trauma.

What we do

NCA leads the movement of nearly a thousand CACs across the country. We stand at the beginning of the end of child abuse. Together with you, we make a difference, one child and voice at a time. We provide services that heal, achieve justice, and create safety, so kids can go back to being kids.

How CACs Help Kids from National Children’s Alliance on Vimeo.

One of our wonderful streamers from our first-ever charity streaming campaign, SAY IT LOUDER, psoymilk highlights the important work of CACs. We are so grateful they’re an advocate and is continuing to help us raise money for our #HelpKidsHeal campaign in July.

slamacowzer is another streamer from our #ItsYourBusiness April child abuse prevention campaign, and we’re so appreciative of the great work he’s done to raise awareness of child abuse and prevention.

Help Kids Heal

Our next event will be in December for SAY IT LOUDER. If you’re interested in joining, please e-mail stream@nca-online.org.

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