Search Results for: 58
Above, left to right: Megan Bryant, Thomas Grieb, Aubree Vance, Annie Harrison, and Alex Brace in the room at Small Talk where, pre-pandemic, the multidisciplinary team would meet. When… Continue Reading
Information for 2021 Grantees In this section of the NCA website you can access information concerning your 2020 NCA grant under the NCA FY20 Solicitations, the grant report cycle, and download… Continue Reading
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Animals are such agreeable friends―they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms.―George Eliot Throughout history, humans have relied on canines to assist in many tasks. Herding, guarding, scent work, and… Continue Reading
Healing, Justice, & Trust 2015: How CACs prove (and improve) their work Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) provide children and families with healing and justice in a setting they can… Continue Reading
Public and Foundation Partners Hearst Foundations NCA is collaborating with Hearst Foundations to introduce evidence-based mental health assessments for abused youth in Oregon and Washington. This project will… Continue Reading
Resources for CACs, Partners, and Caregivers In 20-25% of cases handled by Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs), youth or children under age 18 have acted out against another child.1 Research also… Continue Reading
In Australia, Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) have been raised as a way to improve responses to child abuse based on the demonstrated benefits of this approach in the United States…. Continue Reading
The American Counseling Association’s Traumatology Interest Network (2014) defines vicarious trauma as “the emotional residue from hearing other people’s trauma stories and becoming witness to the pain, fear, and terror… Continue Reading
Teresa Huizar, National Expert on Child Abuse Intervention and Trauma Treatment Teresa Huizar (pron. WEE-zar) is executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based National Children’s Alliance. She has served at every… Continue Reading