2023 NSP Grant Category Eligibility Matrix
Eligible applicants may submit one application in each award group (Award Group A or Award Group B) or may apply for both categories within Award Group B as outlined in the matrix below. In either case, a maximum of two (2) NSP applications from a specific applicant organization are permitted.
*2022 Provision of Core Direct CAC Services grant recipients: A maximum of two (2) NSP applications from a specific applicant organization are permitted. The opportunity to continue your 2022 Core Service award in the 2023 cycle, is considered an Award Group A application. As such, you may only submit one (1) application for either of the two grant categories under Award Group B.
For example, applicants may apply for a Program Development for Communities grant and an Equipment & Technology Support grant, but applicants may not apply for both a Provision of Core Direct CAC Services grant and a Program Improvement grant.