National Initiatives
In its role leading the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) movement, National Children’s Alliance (NCA) continues to be at the forefront of the national and international conversation on child abuse. As the national association and accrediting body for CACs, NCA serves as a voice for the movement before lawmakers, funders, and other decision-makers, leads initiatives that advance and support the CAC mission to provide healing and justice for child victims of abuse, and ensures quality care for the children and families our members serve.
Beyond our focus on continually improving the CAC model and expanding access to CACs for children and families, NCA is also involved in many national initiatives to improve our response to and treatment of child abuse victims.
Providing Justice for Victims
Serving Children Alongside the FBI
NCA and its Accredited Member Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) entered into a partnership with the FBI in 2015 to ensure that all children who need an evidence-based intervention that helps them heal from abuse have access to the services of a Children’s Advocacy Center. This partnership also ensures that our law enforcement partners have the resources they need to investigate and prosecute federal child abuse cases. Our Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the FBI enables us to offer our intervention model to children victimized in federal cases as well as state and local cases. Access an interactive map of CACs working with the FBI
Serving Trafficked and Sexually Exploited Children
NCA created and maintains an online toolkit including resources and video trainings to break the silence and bring hope for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC)—children who often go unidentified and are underserved. The video training series provides valuable information on research, prevalence, screening and identification, promising interventions and treatments, and highlights CAC success stories, as well as provides information on how CACs can begin serving these children. See this resource on NCA Engage
Strengthening Awareness of the CAC Movement
A national campaign focused on prevention, overcoming the bystander effect, broadly but specifically focused on professionals and family members. This campaign has reached more than 20 million users since its launch in 2020.
A new national campaign focused on children’s mental health and the role of strong, supportive caregivers, specifically focused on types of families (traditional, single-parent, grandfamilies, and multi-generational families).
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month—a time for communities across the nation to bring attention to the issue of child abuse and how we as a society must support child victims of abuse. National Children’s Alliance and its more than 800 members across the country participate in special events and activities each April that shed a light on the important work being done each day to respond to and prevent child abuse and neglect. Learn more: