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Need Help?

National Children’s Alliance (NCA) is a membership organization, of more than 900 Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) that provide direct services to children. If you know of a child who needs help, please contact your local authorities or a CAC near you. To find your nearest CAC, visit our online member directory.

National Children’s Alliance is not an emergency services organization or an investigative agency, though our CACs around the country assist law enforcement and child welfare authorities in investigating child abuse cases. If you suspect a child is being abused, please visit the Child Welfare Information Gateway to find information on how to make a child abuse report in your state or locality. You must contact your local authorities to report child abuse. NCA does not have the capability to prosecute or investigate cases of child abuse.

How we use your info

NCA uses your contact information to respond to requests. We will never sell your contact information to third parties, and we will never request your password, other sensitive information, or funds from you as a part of correspondence. Any payments for NCA trainings or other services or goods can be made through our secure site. Never give out your password, other identifiable information, or money to anyone claiming to represent NCA.

We are not able to respond to sales inquiries, requests for legal assistance, or other messages not relevant to our mission.

Our Address

National Children’s Alliance
P.O. Box 71477
Washington, DC 20024

NCA Member?
To access your benefits as an NCA member, including:
  • NCA Engage Communities
  • Branding & Campaign Assets
  • Your Accreditation Badge
  • Training
  • Much More

Contact us at: membership@nca-online.org

NCA members, in NCA Engage you can search for National Children’s Alliance in the Directory to find specific NCA staff.

Media Inquiries

Members of the press, please see our Media Room to reach out to our media relations staff.