National Children’s Alliance Recognizes Outstanding Leaders in the Children’s Advocacy Center Movement
Annual Awards Presented at the 2015 National Children’s Alliance Leadership Conference
Washington, D.C.
On Sunday, May 31, National Children’s Alliance presented five awards to outstanding leaders and supporters of Children’s Advocacy Centers across the country. These exemplary individuals and associations have each demonstrated a passion for this important cause through professional and/or volunteer support. The award recipients, who represent communities and organizations across the country, received their recognition at an awards reception during the 2015 National Children’s Alliance Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. (May 31 – June 3, 2015).
“On behalf of National Children’s Alliance and our over 770 member organizations across the country, I am grateful to this year’s honorees for their extraordinary commitment to children and families in need. Each of the honorees has demonstrated exemplary efforts that have resulted in positive impacts to our industry and we are proud to present them with our organization’s highest forms of recognition,” remarked Teresa Huizar, Executive Director of National Children’s Alliance.
2015 National Children’s Alliance Leadership Award recipients:
Volunteer Leadership Individual Award presented to Dave and June Harcum
This award recognizes individual volunteers who have demonstrated perseverance and dedication to a local Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC); through the recipients’ efforts, the viability of the CAC has been appreciably affected. Dave and June Harcum received this award for their unwavering support of Harcum House Children’s Advocacy Center in Lancaster, PA. Both experienced educators and long-time supporters of the Children’s Advocacy Center movement, the Harcums serve as community ambassadors of the CAC model. In addition to their support at the organizational governance and strategic planning levels, the Harcums are also financial supporters of Harcum House. Their generous contributions have allowed Harcum House to grow and flourish, and ultimately serve more young people in need in more effective ways that continue to put children first.
Volunteer Leadership Group Award presented to ICT-S.O.S.
This award recognizes a volunteer group that has demonstrated perseverance and dedication to a local Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC); through this group’s efforts, the viability of the CAC has been appreciably affected. After just four years of existence, the volunteer group ICT-S.O.S. has dedicated countless hours and contributed a multitude of in-kind resources to support the Child Advocacy Center of Sedgewick County in Wichita, Kansas. Originally established as a volunteer group dedicated to ending child trafficking in Wichita through strategic partnerships in the community, ICT-S.O.S. has expanded its focus to include supporting causes that relate to child abuse and neglect in general. The partnership between ICT-S.O.S. and the CAC of Sedgewick County has ultimately resulted in more families receiving services and the lives of child victims of abuse being improved.
Horowitz-Barker Professional Leadership Award presented to Dr. R. Daryl Steiner
This award recognizes a professional who has demonstrated perseverance and dedication to a local Children’s Advocacy Center or to the Children’s Advocacy Center movement through his or her professional activities. Through the nominee’s efforts, the establishment and/or success of a Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) has been ensured. Dr. Steiner has dedicated his life to serving child victims of abuse and neglect. Considered an expert witness by the local court system in Akron, Ohio, Dr. Steiner has consistently worked hand-in-hand with the Prosecutor’s Office and contributed to the successful prosecution of numerous perpetrators. He has also been instrumental in the development of The Children’s Network of Stark County, providing supervision and consultation when needed. Dr. Steiner has shared his expertise as a mentor in his profession, and has also conducted medical peer reviews for many medical professionals working with CACs across the state of Ohio.
Outstanding Chapter Leader Award presented to Tom King
This award recognizes a professional who has demonstrated perseverance and dedication to an NCA Chapter of Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) through his or her professional activities. Through the recipient’s efforts, the establishment and/or success of a Chapter of CACs has been ensured. In his role as Executive Director of the Massachusetts Children’s Alliance, Tom King has served as a dedicated ally for CACs since joining the Alliance in 2006 when it was formed. Tom’s tireless work has resulted in widespread support for Massachusetts’ multidisciplinary teams and CACs in the form of funding opportunities, training, technical assistance and legislative advocacy. His leadership has led to the growth and expansion of CACs, and ultimately more children having access to critical services during times of need.
Bud Cramer Award presented to Patti Marshall
This award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated commitment and dedication to children through extraordinary promotion of the Children’s Advocacy Center model. The recipients of this award have moved the field forward through vision, leadership, and the ability to reach and motivate great numbers of people. As Assistant Attorney General in Jackson, Mississippi, Patti Marshall has dedicated countless hours to impacting policies that ensure child victims of abuse receive the care they need and deserve. Patti has also served on numerous commissions, task forces, and committees, as well as supporting various initiatives all aimed at addressing the needs of Mississippi’s children. Patti’s support of Children’s Advocacy Centers of Mississippi is tied specifically to the planning of the One Loud Voice Conference and other partnerships focused on building a larger and stronger base of professionals educated on the world of child protection.
For more information about National Children’s Alliance and the 2015 National Children’s Alliance Leadership Conference, visit
National Children’s Alliance is the national association and accrediting body for the 777 Children’s Advocacy Centers and 49 State Chapters serving each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Dedicated to helping local communities respond to allegations of child abuse in ways that are effective and efficient, and put the needs of child victims of abuse first, National Children’s Alliance provides support and advocacy to its accredited membership, as well as numerous developing centers, multidisciplinary teams and child abuse professionals around the country, and the world. As the national authority on multidisciplinary approaches to supporting child victims of abuse, the purpose of National Children’s Alliance is to empower local communities to provide comprehensive, coordinated and compassionate services to victims of child abuse. Founded in 1990, National Children’s Alliance provides accreditation opportunities, financial assistance, training, technical assistance, research and education to communities, child abuse professionals and children’s advocacy centers throughout the United States in support of child abuse intervention, advocacy and prevention.