Louisiana Alliance of Children’s Advocacy Centers Chapter Executive Director

The Louisiana Alliance for Children’s Advocacy Centers is searching for a dynamic State Chapter Executive Director to lead association services collaboratively with local CAC centers. This is a 30 hour per week position with the opportunity to tele-commute. Bachelor’s degree in human services, business, legal, public relations, non-profit management, or demonstrated commensurate experience required. Strong oral and written skills with the ability to conduct and facilitate meetings, trainings, and community outreach activities necessary. Knowledge and skills in grant writing and community development preferred. Demonstrated financial management abilities, including budget planning and execution, partnership development, and strategic vision.Requirements:

  • Criminal background check, 3 written references, and valid driver’s license. Position based in Louisiana. 12 month contract.

Professional Skills:

  • Organizational development, computer and technology skills including use of social media.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Liaison with member CAC Centers.
  • Offers ongoing education, training, and support to CACs and LA State Police.
  • ldentify funding opportunities to grow the state chapter.
  • Administer state chapter support grants.
  • Submit financial and narrative reports for grants and contracts.
  • Plan, manage, and staff annual trainings in conjunction with the Board.
  • Manage support staff, or related staff.
  • Develop informational and marketing resources to provide education and awareness.
  • Establish and participate on the Human Trafficking task force with LA State Police and other statewide partners.
  • Participates in related advocacy and statewide initiatives to enhance services to children and CACs

Wages: Commensurate with experience. This is primarily a grant funded position with a salary range of $65,000-$85,000.Application: Send resumes via email to Board Search Committee, Rob Carlisle, LPC: rcarlisle@childadv.net