Unifying the CAC Response to Child Sexual Exploitation

NCA created and maintains an online resource and video training series to break the silence and bring hope for Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC)—children who often go unidentified and are underserved. The video training series provides valuable information on research, prevalence, screening and identification, promising interventions and treatments, and highlights CAC success stories, as well as provides information on how CACs can begin serving these children. See this resource at CSEC-Response.org.

Addressing Youth and Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

In some 20-25% of all CAC-involved cases, a youth or child has acted out against another child sexually. Research shows that youth with problematic sexual behaviors (PSBs) can often receive treatment within their communities, and when evidence-based treatment is provided, the future offense rate is low. CACs are well-positioned within communities to serve these youth, as well as their victims and families.

The NCA-led Youth with Problematic Sexual Behaviors Collaborative Work Group and the National Center on the Sexual Behavior of Youth (NCSBY) released a first-of-its-kind video training series for professionals working with this population and their families in January 2017. Fact sheets. also released in January 2017, were developed specifically for CACs, child-serving agencies, and caregivers. These turn-key, informational, and training resources will provide CACs, child-serving agencies, child welfare professionals, and caregivers across the U.S. with the effective knowledge and tools to recognize and address youth and children with PSBs and deliver PSB-focused prevention and evidence-based treatment models in their own communities.

See these resources now

Archived Webinars and Podcasts

NCA offers a variety of online training opportunities, archived for your convenience.  These opportunities include:

NCA Webinars

For Accredited and Developing Centers and Multi-Disciplinary Teams:

  • Understanding the NCA Accreditation Standards – will provide you with an overview of the accreditation process, a framework for developing your application and what to expect during your site visit.
    Center Accreditation Boot Camp

For Accredited and Developing Chapters:

  • Chapter Accreditation Training Series-six-part, on-line Chapter Standards for Accreditation Training series designed to assist NCA Chapters in preparing for and successfully completing the NCA Chapter Accreditation and Re-Accreditation process.
    Chapter Accreditation Boot Camp (new link coming soon)
  • Chapter Board Training Series-a six-part, on-line Chapter Board Training series designed to assist NCA Chapters in strengthening their infrastructure through strategic, ongoing Board development.
    Chapter Board Development Series (new link coming soon)

NCA would like to thank the Midwest Regional Children’s Advocacy Center and the Northeast Regional Children’s Advocacy Center for the technical and financial support to create and sustain these trainings.


ChildVictimWeb is a multimedia, online training resource designed for professionals from all disciplines who work with children and adolescents who have experienced or witnessed serious violence. This course describes:

  • The prevalence and characteristics of different forms of victimization often experienced in childhood;
  • The psychological, behavioral, social, and health consequences, and implications for practice;
  • Assessment strategies, evidence-based approach to treatment planning, trauma-informed case management skills, and information about evidence-supported treatments.

Launch this resource now

Services for Tribal Communities

CACs across the country provide services to American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) children and families.

Interactive National Map: Coverage of Tribal Areas

Click the map below to access an interactive national map in our eSpatial software system that includes CAC coverage of federally recognized tribal areas by the tribe’s relationship to its local CAC(s).

Interactive National Map: Coverage of Tribal Areas

Resources for Working with AI/AN Children and Families

View resources from the following organizations working to promote and provide essential services in Indian Country.

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