Funding For CACs & Chapters
A commitment to the financial support of Children’s Advocacy Centers and State Chapter Organizations
At NCA, we know you work hard to provide critically-needed services to our most vulnerable victims, and that’s why we’re committed to providing Children’s Advocacy Centers and Chapters around the country with financial support.
In 2024, National Children’s Alliance, under a cooperative agreement with DOJ’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), will administer more than $22 million in federal funds to be awarded to CACs and Chapters.
Please visit our Application Resource page in NCA Engage to review the RFP documents that announce the availability of funding and apply for that funding in the following categories:
- Establishment, improvement, and expansion of Children’s Advocacy Centers (NSP)
- Expanding access to CAC resources and services for the victims of child pornography and human trafficking (DTVF)
- Coordination of CAC services for military installations (Military)
- Awards to Expand Children’s Advocacy Centers in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities (AI/AN)