2020 Electronic Grantee Handbook for Centers
Below is the information about the grantee guidelines as well as the 2020 required and additional grant forms that you will need to successfully administer your 2020 NCA grant. You can visit this page often throughout the grant year for updates and resources.
National Children’s Alliance funding is available through a cooperative agreement with the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. In order to comply with guidelines and regulations set by the U.S. Department of Justice, National Children’s Alliance must adhere to the following guidelines and requirements throughout the grant year.
2020 Sample NSP Cooperative Agreement; 2020 Sample DOD Cooperative Agreement; 2020 Sample DTVF Cooperative Agreement (please refer to your Cooperative Agreement sent out individually to the center contact) – is the official agreement between the awarded agency and National Children’s Alliance (NCA). It acknowledges that the awarded agency accepts the funding awarded by NCA and will follow all the requirements and abide by all special conditions for the grant year. The CA needs to be submitted to NCA following the Grantee Award Notification (GAN).
After signing this document, please scan it in a .pdf format and save a copy for your files. Go to https://www.grantrequest.com/SID_1093/?SA=AM, log in to your account that you have created for your grant application and upload the document. Mailed, faxed or emailed copies will not be accepted.
If you need help or information on having a DUNS number, please download How To Obtain a DUNS Number.
If you need help or information on registering in SAM, please download How To Register in SAM.gov.
If you need help or information in searching to confirm if a vendor is debarred or suspended, please download How To Search if Vendor is Debarred/Suspended.
Important: The release of the grant funds is contingent upon the NCA review and approval of your budget. After the review of your requested budget, you will be contacted by a Program Associate from NCA providing you with additional information should any amendments be needed.
2020 NCA Grantee Guidelines– This document contains information about general NCA guidelines, grant monitoring procedures and deadlines. Please read it carefully before you sign your Cooperative Agreement and start spending your NCA grant.
Guide To Procurement Procedures
Using an NCA Grant to Travel
Allowable/Unallowable Costs
Change of Contact Information Form (CAC Profile) – Please contact membership@nca-online.org if you need assistance logging in.
Grant Reporting
How to Submit Your Grant Report – Please review the report submission instructions and call your Program Associate should you have any additional questions.
2020 CAC Fiscal and Narrative Report – Please use this form to report your grant expenditures. Please be advised that your organization needs to provide upon request to the National Children’s Alliance (NCA) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) additional fiscal documentation demonstrating the expenditures included in the grant reports such as:
1) Bank statements for personnel, fringe benefits, consultant/contractors, travel, equipment, supplies, & other expenditures;
2) ACH transactions for personnel expenditures;
3) Proof of payment for credit card transactions. All requested documentation will be submitted to NCA within five business days.
All backup fiscal documentation will be kept on file for five years after the closeout of the sub-award grant year.
In regards to the upload and submission of any grant related back up documentation:
In order to assure the protection of your information, please do not include any information that can contribute to an identity theft, such as bank account numbers, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc. Please black out such information before scanning.
Additional Grant Forms
Supporting Fiscal Documentation – Examples of fiscal documentation to report your grant funds.
Examples of Proof of Payment Documentation – This document provides you with screenshots of backup fiscal documentation that serves as proof of payment.
Sample Timesheet – Please feel free to customize the provided sample timesheet if you would like to use it to demonstrate allocation of time, not only for NCA, but for other funders as well.
Budget Modification Form for Centers – If you would like to request a new line item to be included in your grant budget, you need to discuss this request with your Program Associate. However if you wish to request to move more than 10% of the total awarded amount to a new budget category, you need to use the budget modification request form. The ten percent rule applies to the cumulative total of your changes. You can use the form as an Assessment tool to determine if your cumulative changes exceed 10%. You can submit up to 2 Budget Modification Requests per grant year but not later than November 13th of the current Grant Year.
Center Grant Year Webinar Planner – Please save the date for your annual webinars.
2020 NCA Grants Management Map – Please download the grants management map so you can contact the Program Associate for your region. *This link is being updated and will be available soon.
Reference Materials
NCA Special Conditions DOD
NCA Special Conditions DVTF
NCA Special Conditions NSP
Evidence Based MH Treatment Contacts
TFCBT PSB Training Announcement
Determination of suitability required for who may interact with participating minors
Backup documentation for Reporting purposes