Search Results for: 36
Legislation NCA Supports NCA is committed to supporting its members at every level, including legislative advocacy efforts to support the work that we do and the children we serve. NCA’s federal policy priorities are: Supporting the work of CACs – and demonstrating Congressional support for these vital services – through full funding of the… Continue Reading
National Children’s Alliance is dedicated to making Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) services available to every child in the country. To monitor progress on this mission, NCA creates maps each year depicting CAC locations and select details about the areas they cover. To find out more about CAC coverage in your state, click on the applicable… Continue Reading
2021 Electronic Chapter Grantee Handbook Below is the information about the grantee guidelines as well as the 2021 required and additional grant forms that you will need to successfully administer your 2021 NCA grant. You can visit this page often throughout the grant year for updates and resources. National Children’s Alliance funding is available through… Continue Reading
New discount available to Accredited and Associate CACs: Up to 25% off evidence-based assessments. National Children’s Alliance is pleased to announce that we have partnered with PAR to offer Accredited and Associate CACs a 25% discount on several of its trauma-focused products, and 10% off all additional PAR-published products. The discount is available from… Continue Reading
How the evidence-based mental healthcare CACs provide improves the lives of children. Child abuse and other forms of childhood trauma can have lifelong effects on children, families, and communities. Many studies have shown the strong relationship between childhood trauma and serious outcomes such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, substance use, physical health problems,… Continue Reading
If you’re under 18, find your CAC. Each year, our 822 Children’s Advocacy Centers—CACs—provide healing, justice, and safety for more than 324,000 young people who are experiencing abuse or assault. We make it safe and provide a clear process to stop the abuse, hold abusers accountable before the law, and get the services you… Continue Reading
Healing, Justice, & Trust: How CACs prove (and improve) their work NCA’s Outcome Measurement System (OMS) helps CACs demonstrate their success to funders, lawmakers, and stakeholders, while helping centers to benchmark themselves against the field to internally identify areas for improvement. Below are some member-exclusive 2019 OMS resources for CACs to help you improve… Continue Reading
In Australia, Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) have been raised as a way to improve responses to child abuse based on the demonstrated benefits of this approach in the United States. However, there are some important differences between jurisdictions in the U.S. and Australia that need to be considered in adapting the approach. For one, many… Continue Reading
Teresa Huizar, National Expert on Child Abuse Intervention and Trauma Treatment Teresa Huizar (pron. WEE-zar) is executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based National Children’s Alliance. She has served at every level in the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) movement, beginning her career in 1993 at a CAC in Colorado developing psychoeducation curricula. She has subsequently served… Continue Reading
When grandparents raise their grandchildren, there is a new word for it. It’s called a “grandfamily.” And the number of grandfamilies is on the rise—up over 30% in recent years. According to the latest census, 8% of children in Blount County, Ala., (where we operate our Children’s Advocacy Center, the Blount County Children’s Center) are being raised by… Continue Reading